IALOP member drugstores are committed to giving safe, low-cost prescription medicines to Americans, to help look after the health of those who can't afford the really high cost of medicines in the U.S.

This has been our mission since 2015, and we have proudly kept a 100% perfect safety record during this whole time, serving almost a million patients every year.

We're also proud that our member drugstores have been early pioneers in online selling and mail order dispensing of daily medicines (with a valid prescription signed by a doctor). Amazon, Air BnB, and many others have changed how consumers safely, efficiently, and more cheaply buy goods and services online, to the benefit of millions of people. At IALOP, we've been doing the same to help consumers in buying safe and low-cost medicines.

In this role as an Internet pioneer, IALOP has also become more and more active in the Internet business community. Our association is taking this proactive role - together with several other well-known organizations - because we know there are bad actors in all corners of the Internet, including many that are selling drugs.

It is our goal, working with other organizations that think the same way, to help better identify, protect against, and take action against these "rogue pharmacies" - the bad actors who put consumers at risk. In fact, our organizations have come up with principles for the online sale of medicines. We believe these principles will enable global standards of practice that safeguard consumers' access to necessary medicine via the Internet. You can read more about this effort in an article written by IALOP's executive director and posted here on an Internet industry website called CircleID.

IALOP and its member drugstores believe that access to safe and low-cost medicines is a basic right. It's our privilege to serve our U.S. customers, and as part of the global online marketplace that can give access to people all over the world, to work with other Internet organizations and law enforcement officials, to protect consumers and help others adopt our rigorous safety standards as well.

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